Thursday, February 21, 2013

While our government is IN BED with Saudi & Qatar funded AL QAEDA mass-murderous TERRORISTS - in Syria, Libya, and wherever else our ruling junta feels they are useful - our elites give themselves GESTAPO dictator powers to accuse us of TREASON for doing 1/1,000th as much....

what more can we say?    

"While our government is IN BED with Saudi,  Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, & Bahrain (et al) funded AL QAEDA mass-murderous TERRORISTS - in Syria, Libya, Mali, Yemen, Iraq, Iran,  and wherever else our ruling junta feels they are useful - those same foul, despicable, treasonous 'elites'  give themselves GESTAPO police state dictator powers to accuse us of TREASON and kill us with no remorse or restraint...  for doing 1/1,000th as much...."

Beware: A President who Justifies SECRET DRONE ASSASSINATIONS of Americans,  can Justify Anything

by Mike Adams,  Editor of
 Tuesday, February 05, 2013

(NaturalNews) The U.S. Justice Department has just released a 16-page memo outlining its justification for why President Obama can order drone killings of American citizens.
 The paper is a wild tour of bizarro-land justifications from a government that no longer abides by any Constitutional limits or even principles of human rights.

As NBC News frighteningly reports:

A confidential Justice Department memo concludes that the U.S. government can order the killing of American citizens if they are believed to be "senior operational leaders" of al-Qaida or "an associated force" -- even if there is no intelligence indicating they are engaged in an active plot to attack the U.S.  
 [GIVEN that the U.S. and israeli government are IN BED with SAUDI FINANCED Sunni, Wahabi TERRORIST KILLERS in Syria, Libya, and elsewhere  - aka "Al QAEDA TERRORISTS" -  this is pure, rank tyranny and genocidal despotism, brought to us by  our "with friends like these, who needs enemies?"  evil  overlords in the war crimes & perpetual  genocide state between Egypt and Syria on the eastern Med...) 

White House press secretary Jay Carney, the mouthpiece of tyranny and lawlessness in America today, added that "These strikes are legal, they are ethical and they are wise." (

Thus, the idea that an American citizen receives a trial by jury, a defense attorney, due process of law and an ability to face his accusers is utterly thrown out the window. What this memo essentially "legalizes" is the ability of the U.S. President to simply order the murder of anyone he names. No law needs to be followed. No arguments offered. There does not even need to be a single shred of evidence that this person has violated any law whatsoever. The decision process takes place in total secrecy and is not subject to judicial review of any kind. 

The President has become a dictator

There's no other way to say it: This is tyranny. A President who has the power to kill anyone he wishes, completely outside of law and the Constitution, is a dictatorial tyrant. He is a "king." This is precisely the kind of thing our Founding Fathers fought against in breaking away from the King of England. Our ancestors were fed up with secret trials, secret executions, secret court proceedings and suffering under the whims of one man whose power was completely unchecked.

"If you believe the president has the power to order U.S. citizens executed far from any battlefield with no charges or trial, then it’s truly hard to conceive of any asserted power you would find objectionable," writes constitutional lawyer Glenn Greenwald. He goes on to explain:

The memo isn't justifying the due-process-free execution of senior al-Qaida leaders who pose an imminent threat to the US. It is justifying the due-process-free execution of people secretly accused by the president and his underlings, with no due process, of being that. The distinction between (a) government accusations and (b) proof of guilt is central to every free society, by definition, yet this memo - and those who defend Obama's assassination power - willfully ignore it.

This isn't even an Obama issue, by the way: it's an issue of the next President who comes to power, and the one after that. With this Justice Department memo, the office of the President is being granted permanent power to order the killing of any person added to a list. This power is wildly unconstitutional and illegal, yet if it remains unopposed, it is a power that will be retained by the office of the President and used by future Presidents.

As Greenwald writes:

During the early Bush years, the very idea that the US government asserted the power to imprison US citizens without charges and due process (or to eavesdrop on them) was so radical that, at the time, I could hardly believe they were being asserted out in the open....  (cont'd)


 (we add) -   Yes, what was considered by "Liberal Democrats" to be "RADICAL," reactionary,  "right-wing,"  and criminally dictatorial  "Neo-Liberal,"  Neo-Con, or warmongering policies under the horrific 8 years of the  Cheney-Bush-Wolfowitz-Libby-Bolten-Chertoff-Mukasey presidency - are now welcomed with open arms by today's  stupified Obama  "Democratic" supporters... who are now as HATE-WHIPPED, stupified, and dehumanized,  as Bush supporters were just a few ugly years ago.  
 below - George Orwell, in his novel that fictionally cartoonized the Soviet Communist revolution and mass-murderous 'purges' in an English farm setting with farm animals as revolutionaries,  captured how easily 'leaders' can  HATE WHIP their followers - simply accuse your opponents of treason, and whip your "good hearted followers"  (aka bleating sheep) to drown out any reasonable discourse:
 "At the Meetings Snowball often won over the majority by his brilliant speeches, but Napoleon was better at canvassing support for himself in between times. He was especially successful with the sheep. Of late the sheep had taken to bleating "Four legs good, two legs bad" both in and out of season, and they often interrupted the Meeting with this. It was noticed that they were especially liable to break into "Four legs good, two legs bad" at crucial moments in Snowball's speeches."

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